When we started building Trackboardapp by Kinetic (a strategy development platform) before the pandemic, we wanted to help bring efficiency, transparency, and speed to strategy development, mapping, and implementation.
Now, I am most motivated by the fact that business leaders, institutions, and their employees are able to design and see their strategic goals implemented in real-time and the progress of their organization-wide mission from anywhere in the world on Trackboard.
Fortunately, businesses have gone or/are going full remote or hybrid now, and naturally, adapting to a new change isn't always easy. Our foremost strategy consulting partner Ausso Leadership Academy led by Mr Austin Okere is doing fantastic work in easing customers on Trackboard by Kinetic digital transformation journey.
It is surreal to see the leadership of publicly traded companies leading their organizational-wide digital transformation journey with the help of Trackboard.
Like we always say, business leaders, must have skin in the game if they are to effect a thorough and true digital transformation in their organizations.
I am stoked!.